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At their Nov. 23, 2009 meeting, the EHFC Board of Trustees approved a motion to financially support students attending the CIPHI accrediated academic institutions to attend the CIPHI National Education Conference (AEC) up to $5,000 if funding is available on an annual basis.
The first year of support was in 2010 for attendance at the joint CIPHI AEC & International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) hosted by the Vancouver Health Authority. The EHFC Board was able to support the attendance of 52 students (42 BCIT students & 10 Concordia students). Photo courtesy of Dr. John Blatherwick, former EHFC Honouary Chair & Medical Officer of Health for Vancouver.
Featured in the above photo are those students along with BCIT Faculty member Lorraine Woolsey along with Board Trustees Tim Roark (bottom left) and Pamela Scharfe, Leonard Gallant and Klaus Seeger (top right). To view the photos and information of subsequent years of support click on the link below - Past Student Sponsorship.
The 2010 financial assistance was provided through funds raised at the 2009 CIPHI National AEC when CIPHI President Adam Grant took up the challenge to have his legs waxed (OUCH!) if the EHFC could raise $5,000 the last two days of the conference. The EHFC Trustees took up the challenge and raised the funds from the very generous PHIs/EHOs attending the Conference.
Since 2010, the EHFC Board of Trustees has sponsored 101 students to attend the CIPHI National Annual Education Conference totallying $24,780 to date in financial support to our donors.
“The conference was invaluable and we are very appreciative of the opportunity to participate and to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thank you again for your organization’s generous donation.” BCIT Students
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