The Environmental Health Foundation of Canada was created with the support and approval of the membership of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI). In a resolution approved at the 1984 Annual General Meeting of the Institute, the members concluded that, in future, it should play an important role in supporting, encouraging and promoting projects and initiatives in the field of environmental health. The members decided this could best be achieved through the creation of a non-profit charitable foundation operating as an autonomous division of the CIPHI.
In 1985, the necessary amendments to the Letters Patent, Constitution and By-Laws were prepared and then approved at the Annual General Meeting held on May 7, 1985. In accordance with the requirements of the Government of Canada, the changes authorized by the membership were submitted to the federal Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. On August 2, 1985, the amendments received Ministerial approval.
In the fall of 1985, a preliminary application was made to Revenue Canada for consideration of the foundation as a "charitable organization" as defined in the Income Tax Act. On March 14, 1991, the Foundation received official Notification of Registration from Revenue Canada which advised that the application had been APPROVED effective January 1, 1991. The Environmental Health Foundation of Canada became a Registered Charity pursuant to the Income Tax Act.
To permit the appointment of the initial Trustees, the Executive Council of the Institute approved the governing documents on September 15, 1986. The initial nine members of the Board of Trustees were appointed by the Executive Council of the Institute on May 13, 1988. The inaugural meeting of the Foundation was held on July 13, 1989 in Ottawa. The Foundation has met annually ever since.
Board Membership:
The governing Regulations of the Foundation outline a number of basic concepts concerning appointments to the Board of Trustees.
Persons to be appointed should have a sincere interest in the field of environmental health as it relates to the protection of the health of the public.
Every attempt should be made to ensure representatives from industry, government, educational institutions and the community at large.
Where possible, consideration is to be given to representation from the regions of Canada.
The National Executive of CIPHI shall appoint two representatives to the of the Board of Trustees.
The Board shall consist of a minimum of nine and a maximum of seventeen Trustees.
The goals of the Foundation are:
To support the promotion of and research into the field of environmental health as it relates to the protection of the health of the public. This purpose will be pursued within Canada and internationally by working towards the following objectives:
(i) increasing public awareness of environmental health issues, concerns & hazards;
(ii) encouraging and supporting persons in or entering into the field of environmental health through the issuance of bursaries and scholarships;
(iii) supporting and/or providing educational programmes in the field of environmental health;
(iv) initiating and supporting research in the field of environmental health;
(v) supporting the development and operation of national and international projects in the field of environmental health.
(b) To solicit or raise money, to receive, acquire and hold gifts, donations, legacies, bequests, and endowments from all sources, including other charitable organizations, to be used solely in achieving the stated objectives.
Specific details of the proposed types of activities which will fulfill the Foundations' objectives were provided to Revenue Canada before final status as a Charitable Organization was granted.