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There are several ways you can contribute to the work of CIPHI's Charitable Division, the Environmental Health Foundation of Canada:


• Making a donation (1 x per year or spread out over monthly payments)
• Making a bequest in your will 
• Donating a fundraising gift 
• Establishing a trust fund
• Sponsoring a project


Donations, bequests, and trust funds can be self-directed.  Gifts may be raffled at events as a fundraiser. Find out more about our Donor Recognition Program by contacting our Treasurer at

Get directly involved in the Environmental Health Foundation of Canada by:

• Becoming a Board Trustee and sit on one of our working committees (Advancement or Governance)
• Proposing/sponsoring a fund-raising activity 
• Proposing a detailed operational plan for an EHFC sponsored project 
• Becoming an EHFC contributing member 


Benefits of helping the Environmental Health Foundation of Canada:

1) Donate to the work of the Foundation:


• Fund projects leading to the optimal health of Canadians and/or citizens of an under-developed country
• All donations of $20 or greater are income tax deductible 
• Community visibility of your interest in environmental public health issues 
• Opportunity to fund a specific environmental public health project


2) By getting involved as a Board Trustee you can:


Obtain Continuing Professional Competencies credit for your volunteer hours

• Contribute to the betterment of the CIPHI community 
• Develop professional and social contacts
• Develop leadership, group and communication skills 
• Obtain hands-on project experience 
• Gain an understanding and appreciation of group dynamics 

3) Become a Friend of the Foundation:


 (currently under development)



La division caritative de I'Institute canadien des inspecteurs en sante publique

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