Featured in the photo below: (L to R): Dr. Anne Hicks, MD MSc PhD FRCPC, the ChEHC Director & Clincial Lead receiving a $5,000 donation from EHFC Trustee Jamie Carbert, and Lena Parker, EHFC Board Chair on May 1, 2024.
The EHFC Board of Trustees raised $5,000 in 2023 through the generosity of our individual donors, the Starbucks Community Fund, and CIPHI National for an indoor air quality study focusing on childrens health as part of a collabloration with the CHILDREN'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CLINIC: ChEHC Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta which is recognized as a collaborating centre by the World Health Organization.
It is a unique program addressing the impacts on children’s health from environmental exposures (chemical, biological, physical, and social). The program considers all environmental factors to assess exposures, by integrating clinical, research and educational components.
The clinic partnered with the EHFC Board to conduct an indoor air pollution survey project, the first of its kind in Canada.
Indoor air pollution has a critical influence on human health, however considerable knowledge gaps remain. Our unique and timely interdisciplinary collaboration will generate multifaceted data describing opportunities to provide feasible options to improve population health through simple strategies including identifying products and activities that impact air quality and builds future opportunities in this highly under-represented area of research. This interdisciplinary collaborative pilot project proposes a descriptive analysis aligning detailed home information, including appliances, household characteristics, activities, and product use with high sensitivity chemical analyses of air samples taken from each home. There is an opportunity for Concordia students/practicum students to be involved in the project.