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  • Writer's picturePamela Scharfe, Chair


The first EHFC project was received from Health & Welfare Canada, Medical Services Branch in 1992 to sponsor two Aboriginal students to attend BCIT to become Environmental Health Officers and subsequently obtain their CPHI(C).

The Foundation took on the responsibility to coordinate the student’s education and practicum placements. Funding and support were confirmed in 1993 and provided by the Indian and Inuit Health Careers Division of Health Canada for the two students: Keith Smith and Colleen Boulanger to attend BCIT.

Sponsorship funding was also obtained for Keith’s practicum. Peter Rogers, EHFC Trustee took the lead in coordinating the practicum. Keith graduated from BCIT in 1995 and received his CPHI(C) in 1996 and joined the EHFC as a Board Trustee. Keith went on to obtain a Science Degree, University of Manitoba. Keith is currently a Senior Program Officer, Health Canada.

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The Charitable Division of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors

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